Eigenvector University Schedule

Select the courses you wish to attend. Click on the course to view an outline of the course (in a separate window). When you've completed your selections, click the "Next" button and we will create a quotation associated with these course choises. If you wish to revise choices later, please contact us.

Date Time Meisnest Room Heritage Room Online
May 06 AM Linear Algebra for Machine Learning
Tuesday PM
May 08 AM Introduction to Solo and PLS
Thursday PM
May 12 AM Chemometrics I – Principal Components Analysis (PCA)
Monday PM (Continued)
May 13 AM Chemometrics II – Regression and Partial Least Squares (PLS) Model Deployment using Solo_Predictor and Model_Exporter
Tuesday PM (Continued) Calibration Model Maintenance
May 14 AM Advanced Preprocessing for Spectroscopic Applications Design of Experiments
Wednesday PM Variable Selection Data Visualization from Simple Plots to UMAP
Evening Tips & Tricks and Poster Session
May 15 AM Clustering and Classification PLS_Toolbox from the Command Line
Thursday PM Common Mistakes Optimized and Hierarchical Models
Evening Workshop Dinner
May 16 AM Non-linear Machine Learning for Calibration and Classification
Friday PM (Continued)

Total Days: 0